Jesus, the rising Lord of all,
His love to man commends,
Poor worms He blushes not to call
His brethren and His friends.
Who basely all forsook their Lord
In His distress, and fled,
To these He sends the joyful word,
When risen from the dead.
Go tell the vile deserters!—“No:
My dearest brethren tell,
Their Advocate to Heav’n I go,
To rescue them from hell.
“Lo! to My father I ascend!
Your Father now is He,
My God, and yours, whoe’er depend
For endless life on Me.
“Henceforth I ever live above
For you to intercede,
The merit of My dying love,
For all mankind to plead.
“Sinners, I rose again to show
Your sins are all forgiv’n,
And mount above the skies, that you
May follow Me to Heav’n.”